Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Apostrophe police

It's so hard being a pedant. It would be nice not to be affronted by the misuse of punctuation. It's just that the meaning is changed! I know people like me are annoying and I do rein myself in a bit, truly I do. I feel like emailing the mother of one of Toby's classmates, who is organising this school event and asking for help. I want to offer to proof read so that the invitations do not give the impression that the evening is for one, lone girl. I'm sure lots of girls want to get together to watch a sentimental film about a prostitute, with extraordinary scenes involving that overgrown boy, Mickey Rooney, with sticky tape on his eyes and false buck teeth, playing a Japanese man! Instead, I used it as a lesson for my children and a story for my blog.

Bethany and I spent the time I was cooking dinner this evening, singing along to Glorious Day. The plaits came out this morning.


  1. Oh I am with you Amy. I don't like misplaced apostrophes and I have a bit of a thing about the misuse of myriad. My boss and I were talking grammar the other day and he told me that his mother used to send his letters back to him corrected. And that was when he was an adult!

  2. If it wasn't for pedant's, where would we be?

  3. Preach it sister!
    Susan R.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly. Me and you are so alike!

  5. Mum, would it not be just "pedants"? Don't know, just asking...
    On a similar note, I was suitable embarrassed when I put 'sowing' and not 'sewing' on my FB the other day :(

  6. the goldilocks hair looks fantastic!
