Thursday, August 16, 2012

More Olympics

We have had a very productive day. Apart from all the usual day off jobs like washing and cleaning, I made some cards to sell at the Muddi market on the weekend and Andrew and I chose all the floor coverings for our new house and all the bathroom and laundry tiles. Yay for progress even though they haven't started building!

Bethany has been doing lots of Olympic related drawing.

They are obviously still talking about it at school as she did this one for homework.


  1. LOVE the rhythmic gymnastics! and picking all your floor coverings - how exciting, difficult too. Hard to imagine how they will look in a space that doesn't even exist yet!

  2. Gold, Gold, Gold to Bethy Love Bop

  3. Clever girl, that Bethany :-) I love the rhythmic gymnastics drawing. Your house will be finished before ours!!

  4. What awesome characters! I especially love the diving pics.
