Thursday, December 13, 2012


Are your pre-Christmas events almost over? We have been to two out of three presentation nights, missing one work Christmas party in the process, and I have had one work lunch and a farewell. One more presentation night, work lunch (for my new work, wasn't it nice of them to invite me?) and work Christmas party to go.

 This was the lunch table at the library yesterday. The cake was actually for Matt's birthday, we had Crust pizza for lunch. My secret Santa present was a lovely jar of lemongrass, kaffir lime and chili mayonnaise.

Joss has finished school completely. The last weeks of second and fourth term are Activities Week. Joss and her friends went to Lake Albert on Monday to go biscuiting (that is clearly not a real word - it means holding on to a huge, inflated, doughnut shaped device and being dragged behind a boat, at great speed) and get sunburnt. On Tuesday they did Christmas craft and ate pizza at school, then yesterday they had their nails done (!), went shopping and to the cinema! Obviously, she deserves a sleep in after all of that hard work, while the rest of us go to school and work.

Some Christmas festivities are more festive than others. School presentation nights have a poor reputation, but Bethany's, held last night, wasn't too bad. Having low expectations always helps, I find. I could do without the two speeches and wish it were not legal to waste words saying that you are going to be brief, particularly as people rarely manage to, but the items by each class were sweetly enjoyable. I also had fun taking photos of Jacob, who was sitting next to me, playing on his mother's phone, and sending them to that phone. I do enjoy being immature at these events.

Every single child in the Junior School gets an award, for whatever their teacher thinks was the most positive aspect of their school year. Bethany's was for 'Expressive and imaginative creative writing'. I think that was very apt as I found the rest of the book she wrote on Sunday and it is definitely expressive and imaginative! I took it to work and everyone who read it loved it, and Carol wrote a proper review of it. Bethany was chuffed.

Tonight, Toby's presentation night!

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