Thursday, May 30, 2013

An evening in the life of....

The award Bethany was holding in the last post was the one handed out at the end of her soccer game. It entitles her to a free mini wrap, bag of cut up apple (what chemicals must be required for that?!) or bottle of juice. None of those things sound very exciting to me, but she is very keen to go. I'll get a coffee.
This is what the kids are up to this evening while Andrew is at a gig and I am making school lunches, looking forward to getting back to my book - after a bit more unpacking.


  1. Wow Toby's seriously into it!

  2. Lovely to see at least one bibliophile!
    What's Bethany reading?

  3. Congratulations Bethy, enjoy the fruits(?) of your labour!

  4. Wow, the house looks lived in already and big enough for everyone to do their own thing. I need a photo of the back yard with milo. ML
